Veal and Pumpkin Ragú


• 2 thick-cut slices of bacon, chopped

• 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

• 1/2 cup chopped carrot

• 1/2 cup chopped celery

• 1/2 cup chopped onion

• 3 large garlic cloves, minced

• Kosher salt

• 1 pound ground veal

• 1 sage sprig

• 1 parsley sprig

• 1 bay leaf

• One 15-ounce can diced tomatoes

• 3 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken stock, divided

• One 15-ounce can pumpkin purée (or make fresh if you have the time)

• 1/4 cup heavy cream

• Freshly ground pepper


1. In a large stock pot, cook the bacon in the oil over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until the bacon is crisp, about 5 minutes. Add the carrot, celery, onion, garlic and a generous pinch of salt and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until just starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Add the ground veal, sage, parsley, bay leaf, and cook, breaking up the meat with a wooden spoon, until no pink remains.

2. Add one cup of the stock to the casserole and cook, stirring, until nearly evaporated or about 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes with their juices and cook, stirring, until the liquid has reduced by half, about 4 minutes. Add the remaining stock and bring to a simmer. Cook over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally, until slightly reduced, about 8 minutes. Stir in the pumpkin and simmer, stirring occasionally, about 5 more minutes. Discard the sage, parsley and bay leaf. Stir in the heavy cream and season the sauce with salt and pepper; keep warm over very low heat.

I served this sauce with homemade butternut squash gnocchi. (Recipe previously posted here) It would also be wonderful with any pasta!

Published by boymomfoodie

I’m just passionate about food!! I’m a mom of two handsome boys. I’m a nurse by education and a cook by passion. Taste and nutrition are the most important factors in my food! I also need meals to be ready in a short amount of time due to our busy schedule. Anyone can cook!! Let me help. 😘

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